Latest News

CRI in the News | Cuba Admits to Massive Emigration Wave: A Million People Left in Two Years


The Miami Herald reports that 10 percent of Cuba's population—more than a million people—left the island between 2022 and 2023. The numbers released by the Cuban government might be a "very conservative" estimate of the demographic crisis, CRI Director Jorge Duany said.

Former Visiting Scholar Earns Ph.D. in Public Policy


Denisse Delgado Vázquez has successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation in Public Policy and Public Affairs at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. The topic of her dissertation was remittance behaviors among Cuban migrants in Miami and Madrid.

Announcing the Winner of the 2024–25 José Antonio Echeverría Scholarship


The Cuban Research Institute is pleased to announce that this year's recipient is Maria Zyla, who is pursuing a Ph.D. in history at FIU. She currently studies U.S.-Cuban cultural and transnational history, exploring gender, sexuality, and migration in the Havana-Harlem Renaissance of the early twentieth century, with a focus on music, literature, and art.

Upcoming Events

Viernes de Musicalia | Flamenca Rumba and Guajiras

08/30/2024 07:30 PM

Join us for an illustrated lecture by dancer and choreographer Clarita Filgueiras on the historical development of rumba and guajira music in Cuba, as well as their intertwining with flamenco in Spain. Since the 1800s, Spain has embraced these back-and-forth rhythmic journeys, weaving them into the fabric of flamenco's soulful expression through song, instrument, and dance.

Book Presentation | Cuban Fusion: The Transnational Cuban Alternative Music Scene

09/06/2024 07:00 PM

Surveying the impact of Cuba's economic crisis after the demise of the eastern socialist block, Dr. Eva Silot Bravo documents a relatively unexplored transnational network of collaborations among Cuban musicians who migrated to many different countries from the 1990s forward. The book's main argument is that in light of the 1990s crisis in Cuba, new transnational and alternative narratives emerged, resulting in creative "in-between" spaces that reflect a postsocialist aesthetic condition.

Lecture | "El Gagá": An Afro-Dominican Cultural and Religious Manifestation

09/10/2024 12:00 PM

This lecture by Jonathan de Oleo Ramos will focus on "El Gagá," a religious cult practiced in the Dominican Republic and other Latin American countries. Many interpret "El Gagá" as an expression of folklore and Carnival, but it is more than that. It is a set of rural socio-religious relations linked to sugarcane mills on the island of Santo Domingo. It is also the synthesis of cults such as Voodoo, spiritualism, "Santería," and Catholicism.

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Deuxième Maison (DM) 445
11200 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33199
Tel: 305.348.1991
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