Los laberintos de la elite política cubana en la segunda década del siglo

Event information
Venue:FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, GC Panther Suite

Haroldo Dilla Alfonso, Ph.D. in Urban Sociology, is a visiting professor at the University of Puerto Rico. He has edited and published more than a dozen books, including Community Power and Grassroots Democracy: The Transformation of Social Life (Zeed Books, New Jersey, 1997); Los recursos de la gobernabilidad en la Cuenca del Caribe (Nueva Sociedad, Caracas, 2002); and La frontera dominico-haitiana (Editora Manatí, Santo Domingo, 2010). Dr. Dilla has been a professor and visiting scholar at several universities in Latin America, Europe, Canada, and the United States. He is a regular contributor to several online newspapers.

Lecture will be in Spanish. Event is free and open to the public.

For more information or to RSVP, please call the Cuban Research Institute at 305.348.1991.

Event Flyer