Book Presentations

Credit for banner image above: Alberto Sosa Cabanas presents his edited volume Reading Cuba (2018) at Books & Books in Coral Gables.

a picture of Dr. Ada Ferrer in conversation with Ana MenendezDr. Ada Ferrer in conversation with Ana Menéndez about Ferrer's book Cuba: An American History, 2021

The Cuban Research Institute maintains an extensive program of book presentations by leading scholars and writers on the Cuban and Cuban American experience. Most of these public events take place at Books & Books in Coral Gables. Typically, authors are invited to speak about their book, which may include a talk about the genesis of the book, a reading, or a slideshow. The talk is followed by a question and answer period with the audience and a booksigning.

CRI-sponsored presentations have included the following authors and books:

  • Elaine Acosta González (ed.), Crisis de cuidados, envejecimiento y políticas de bienestar en Cuba (2021)
  • Laura P. Alonso Gallo and Belén Rodríguez Mourelo (eds.), Identidad y postnacionalismo en la cultura cubana (2019)
  • José Alvarez, Frank País: Architect of Cuba's Betrayed Revolution (2009)
  • Uva de Aragón, El reino de la infancia: Memorias de mi vida en Cuba (2021); El crimen de Biltmore Way (2020); El milagro de San Lázaro (2016); El mundo y mi Cuba en el Diario (2016); The Memory of Silence (2014); and Crónicas de la República de Cuba, 1902–1958 (2009)
  • Elizabeth M. Aranda, Sallie Hughes, and Elena Sabogal, Making a Life in Multiethnic Miami: Immigration and the Rise of a Global City (2014)
  • Jossianna Arroyo, Writing Secrecy in Caribbean Freemasonry (2013)
  • Jesús J. Barquet and Virgilio López Lemus (eds.), Todo parecía: Poesía cubana contemporánea de temas gays y lésbicos (2015)
  • Ruth Behar, Lucky Broken Girl (2017)
  • Emilio Bejel, José Martí: Resisting Melancholia for the Image of the Cuban Hero (2012)
  • Beatriz Bernal (ed.), Cuba: Fundamentos de la democracia (1995)
  • Juan Antonio Blanco (ed.), El otro paredón: Asesinatos de la reputación en Cuba (2011)
  • Anita Casavantes Bradford, The Revolution Is for the Children: The Politics of Childhood in Havana and Miami, 1959–1962 (2014)
  • Michael J. Bustamante, Cuban Memory Wars: Retrospective Politics in Revolution and Exile (2021)
  • Michael J. Bustamante and Jennifer L. Lambe (eds.), The Revolution from Within: Cuba, 1959–1980 (2019)
  • Lydia Cabrera, El Monte: Notes on the Religion, Magic, Superstitions, and Folklore of the Black and Creole People in Cuba, translated by David Font-Navarrete (2023; originally published in 1954)
  • Erik Camayd-Freixas, U.S. Immigration Reform and Its Global Impact (2013)
  • Jennifer Cearns, Circulating Culture: Transnational Cuban Networks of Exchange (2023)
  • Michelle Chase, Revolution within the Revolution: Women and Gender Politics in Cuba, 1952–1962 (2015)
  • Danielle Pilar Clealand, The Power of Race in Cuba: Racial Ideology and Black Consciousness during the Revolution (2017)
  • Michael Connors, Havana Modern (2014) and Cuban Elegance (2004)
  • Mabel Cuesta and Elzbieta Sklodowska (eds.), Lecturas atentas: Una visita desde la ficción y la crítica a veinte narradoras cubanas contemporáneas (2019)
  • Emilio Cueto, Delivering Cuba through the Mail: Cuba's Presence in Non-Cuban Postage Stamps and Envelopes (2021); Las litografías santiagueras del Departamento Oriental de la isla de Cuba (2014); and La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre en el alma del pueblo de Cuba (2014)
  • Leonel Antonio de la Cuesta, Martí, traductor: Apuntes liminares (1996)
  • Alejandro de la Fuente (ed.), Cuban Studies, Vols. 43 (2015) & 44 (2016)
  • Victor Deupi, Emilio Sánchez in New York and Latin America (2020)
  • Cristóbal Díaz-Ayala, ¡Oh Cuba hermosa! El cancionero político-social en Cuba hasta 1958 (2012)
  • Jorge Duany, Obra selecta (2021)
  • Jorge Duany (ed.), Picturing Cuba: Art, Culture, and Identity on the Island and in the Diaspora (2019); and Un pueblo disperso: Dimensiones sociales y culturales de la diáspora cubana (2014)
  • Susan Eva Eckstein, Cuban Privilege: The Making of Immigrant Inequality in America (2022)
  • Carlos M. N. Eire, Learning to Die in Miami: Confessions of a Cuban Boy (2011)
  • Ilan Ehrlich, Eduardo Chibás: The Incorrigible Man of Cuban Politics (2015)
  • Daniel P. Erikson, The Cuba Wars: Fidel Castro, the United States, and the Next Revolution (2009)
  • Oliva Espín, My Land Is Memory: Stories of a Cuban Childhood (2020)
  • Megan J. Feeney, Hollywood in Havana: U.S. Cinema and Revolutionary Nationalism in Cuba before 1959 (2019)
  • Damián J. Fernández and Madeline Cámara (eds.), Cuba, the Elusive Nation: Interpretations of National Identity (2000)
  • Ada Ferrer, Cuba: An American History (2021)
  • Alison Fraunhar, Mulata Nation: Visualizing Race and Gender in Cuba (2018)
  • Melissa Fuster, Caribeños at the Table: How Migration, Health, and Race Intersect in New York City (2021)
  • Jennifer Gebelein, A Geographic Perspective on Cuban Landscapes (2011)
  • Jorge L. Giovannetti-Torres, Black British Migrants in Cuba: Race, Labor, and Empire in the Twentieth-Century Caribbean, 1898–1948 (2018)
  • Roberto González Echevarría, The Pride of Havana: A History of Cuban Baseball (1999)
  • Guillermo J. Grenier and Corinna J. Moebius, A History of Little Havana (2015)
  • Guillermo J. Grenier and Lisandro Pérez, The Legacy of Exile: Cubans in the United States (2002)
  • Catherine Griffith, Havana Revisited: An Architectural Heritage (2010)
  • John A. Grosbeck-Tedesco, Operation Pedro Pan: The Migration of Unaccompanied Children from Castro's Cuba (2022)
  • Emilio Guede, Cuba: La revolución que no fue (2013)
  • Lillian Guerra, Patriots and Traitors in Revolutionary Cuba, 1961–1981 (2023); Heroes, Martyrs, and Political Messiahs in Revolutionary Cuba, 1946–1958 (2018); and Visions of Power in Cuba: Revolution, Redemption, and Resistance, 1959–1971 (2012)
  • Ted A. Henken and Sara García Santamaría (eds.), Cuba's Digital Revolution: Citizen Innovation and State Policy (2021) and La revolución digital cubana: Innovación ciudadana y política estatal (2022)
  • Iraida Iturralde, Preso el antílope (2022)
  • Conrad Michael James, Filial Crisis and Erotic Politics in Black Cuban Literature: Daughters, Sons, and Lovers (2019)
  • Sherry Johnson, Climate and Catastrophe in Cuba and the Atlantic World in the Age of Revolution (2011)
  • Violaine Jolivet, Miami la Cubaine: Géographie d'une ville-carrefour entre les Amériques (2015)
  • Marius Jovaiša, Unseen Cuba (2014)
  • Albert Sergio Laguna, Diversión: Play and Popular Culture in Cuban America (2017)
  • Carmen E. Lamas, The Latino Continuum and the Nineteenth-Century Americas (2021)
  • Jennifer L. Lambe, Madhouse: Psychiatry and Politics in Cuban History (2017)
  • Benjamin Lapidus, New York and the International Sound of Latin Music, 1940–1990 (2020)
  • Jana K. Lipman, Guantánamo: A Working-Class History Between Empire and Revolution (2008)
  • María Luisa Lobo Montalvo, Havana: History and Architecture of a Romantic City (2009)
  • Iraida H. López, Impossible Returns: Narratives of the Cuban Diaspora (2015)
  • Iraida H. López and Eliana S. Rivero (eds.), Let's Hear Their Voices: Cuban American Writers of the Second Generation (2019)
  • Humberto López Morales, Diccionario de americanismos (2010)
  • Abigail McEwen, Revolutionary Horizons: Art and Politics in 1950s Cuba (2016)
  • Rosa Marquetti Torres, Celia en Cuba (1925–1962) (2022)
  • Juan A. Martínez, María Brito (2009)
  • Luis Martínez-Fernández, Revolutionary Cuba: A History (2014)
  • Catherine Mas, Culture in the Clinic: Miami and the Making of Modern Medicine (2022)
  • Sharon Milagro Marshall, Tell My Mother I Gone to Cuba: Stories of Early Twentieth-Century Migration from Barbados (2016)
  • Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Cuba en la era de Raúl Castro: Reformas económico-sociales y sus efectos (2012)
  • Carmelo Mesa-Lago et al., Voices of Change in Cuba from the Non-State Sector (2018) and Voces de cambio en el sector no estatal cubano: Cuentapropistas, usufructuarios, miembros de cooperativas y compraventas de viviendas (2016)
  • Asher Z. Milbauer and James M. Sutton (eds.), Exile in Global Literature and Culture: Homes Found and Lost (2020)
  • Rita Molinero and Yolanda Izquierdo (eds.), Reinaldo Arenas: La escritura como destino (2021)
  • Consuelo Naranjo Orovio and Miguel Ángel Puig-Samper (eds.), Color, raza y racialización en América y el Caribe (2022)
  • Eloy Núñez and Ernest Vendrell (eds.), Escape from Cuba: Personal Accounts of Those Who Fled Castro's Regime (2020)
  • Concepción Otero, El Vedado: History of a Havana Neighborhood (2013)
  • Emma Otheguy, Martí's Song for Freedom (2017)
  • Leonardo Padura, The Man Who Loved Dogs (2014) and Herejes (2013)
  • Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo (ed.), Cuba in Splinters: Eleven Stories from the New Cuba (2014)
  • Ricardo Pau-Llosa, Intruder Between Rivers Intruso entre ríos (2017)
  • Silvia Pedraza and Carlos A. Romero, Revolutions in Cuba and Venezuela: One Hope, Two Realities (2023)
  • Lisandro Pérez, Sugar, Cigars, and Revolution: The Making of Cuban New York (2018)
  • Gustavo Pérez-Firmat, The Last Exile (2016) and A Cuban in Mayberry: Looking Back at America's Hometown (2014)
  • Marifeli Pérez-Stable, The United States and Cuba: Intimate Enemies (2010)
  • Matthew Pettway, Cuban Literature in the Age of Black Insurrection: Manzano, Plácido, and Afro-Cuban Religion (2019)
  • Grace Piney and James C. Pancrazio (eds.), Cuba: Arte y literatura en exilio (2011)
  • Justo Planas et al. (eds.), Isla diseminada: Ensayos sobre Cuba (2022)
  • Alejandro Portes and Ariel C. Armony, Emerging Global Cities: Origin, Structure, and Significance (2022), and The Global Edge: Miami in the Twenty-First Century (2018)
  • Alejandro Portes and Rubén G. Rumbaut, Immigrant America: A Portrait (4th ed., 2014; 5th ed., 2024)
  • David Powell, Ninety Miles and a Lifetime Away: Memories of Early Cuban Exiles (2022)
  • Gerald E. Poyo, Exile and Revolution: José D. Poyo, Key West, and Cuban Independence (2014)
  • Andrea J. Queeley, Rescuing Our Roots: The African Anglo-Caribbean Diaspora in Contemporary Cuba (2015)
  • Marysol Quevedo, Cuban Music Counterpoints: Vanguardia Musical in Global Networks (2023)
  • Archibald R. M. Ritter and Ted A. Henken, Entrepreneurial Cuba: The Changing Policy Landscape (2014)
  • Carmen Haydée Rivera and Jorge Duany (eds.), Cuba and Puerto Rico: Transdisciplinary Approaches to History, Literature, and Culture (2023)
  • Eliana Rivero, Obra selecta (2020)
  • Yeidy M. Rivero, Broadcasting Modernity: Cuban Commercial Television, 1950–1960 (2015)
  • Octavio Roca, Cuban Ballet (2010)
  • Reina María Rodríguez, Catch and Release (2014) and Otras mitologías (2012)
  • Rafael Rojas, Historia mínima de la Revolución Cubana (2015)
  • Eugenio M. Rothe and Andrés J. Pumariega, Immigration, Culture, and Mental Health: Psycho-Social Implications of the Reshaping of America (2021)
  • Jorge Salazar-Carrillo, Ensayos de política económica: Cuba, América Latina y Estados Unidos (2016)
  • Jorge Salazar-Carrillo and Daniel O. Murgo, The Economy of Miami-Dade (2018)
  • Jorge Salazar-Carrillo and Andro Nodarse-León, Cuba: From Economic Take-Off to Collapse under Castro (2015)
  • Mercedes Sarduy, Cartas a mi hermana en La Habana (2013)
  • Elizabeth B. Schwall, Dancing with the Revolution: Power, Politics, and Privilege in Cuba (2021)
  • Abel Sierra Madero, El cuerpo nunca olvida: Trabajo forzado, hombre nuevo y memoria en Cuba (1959–1980) (2022)
  • Eva Silot Bravo, Cuban Fusion: The Transnational Cuban Alternative Music Scene (2024)
  • Alberto Sosa Cabanas (ed.), Reading Cuba: Discurso literario y geografía transcultural (2018)
  • Leonard Ray Teel, Reporting the Cuban Revolution: How Castro Manipulated American Journalists (2015)
  • María de los Angeles Torres, Democracy and Time in Cuban Thought: The Elusive Present (2024)
  • Víctor Andrés Triay, The Mariel Boatlift: A Cuban-American Journey (2019)
  • Zoé Valdés, La Habana, mon amour (2015)
  • Anna Veltfort, Adiós mi Habana (2017)
  • Alan West-Durán, Cuba: A Cultural History (2018)