CRI Director Invited to Lecture in Mexico

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The University of Guadalajara's Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences has invited Dr. Jorge Duany to give a lecture on "The Cuban Diaspora: A Transnational Perspective" during the week of August 17–21, 2015. The talk will trace the historical background of the Cuban exodus to the United States, document the multiple links between contemporary Cuba and its diaspora, and analyze some of the transnational practices of Cubans living outside the Island.

In addition to his lecture, Dr. Duany will participate as a member of the committee for the defense of the B.A. thesis in international relations by Karla Elizabeth Rueda Vergara, entitled "Cuban Migration and Cuban-American Lobbying in the United States during Electoral Periods (1981–2015)." Part of Ms. Rueda Vergara's work is based on her research conducted as a Visiting Scholar at the Cuban Research Institute during the fall semester of 2014.

Finally, Dr. Duany will meet with academic researchers and faculty members affiliated with the Department of International Relations at the University of Guadalajara.