Anthony P. Maingot, Ph.D., is professor emeritus of sociology and anthropology at Florida International University.
A native of Trinidad, Anthony P. Maingot has published numerous book chapters and journal articles placing Cuba in the context of the Caribbean. His books include Race, Ideology, and the Decline of Caribbean Marxism (2015); Miami: A Cultural History (2014); Historical Dictionary of U.S.-Caribbean Relations (2006); and The United States and the Caribbean: Challenges of an Asymmetrical Relationship (1994; revised version in Spanish, 2005). He is also the coauthor of The United States and the Caribbean: Transforming Hegemony and Sovereignty (with Wilfredo Lozano, 2005).
Dr. Maingot is the former president of the Caribbean Studies Association and a former associate editor of Caribbean Review. He is the founder and former editor of Hemisphere, the magazine of the Latin American and Caribbean Center at Florida International University. He was also the National Security Scholar in Residence of the Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy and Citizenship Studies in the School of International and Public Affairs at FIU. His research interests include political sociology, development, and Latin America/Caribbean. From 1985 to 1995, he was an adjunct professor of Mexican and Caribbean studies at the U.S. Air Force School of Special Operations and has held the post of director of the Antilles Research Program at Yale University. He is a member of the Constitutional Reform Commission of Trinidad and Tobago.