Santiago Juan-Navarro, Ph.D., is professor of Spanish in the Department of Modern Languages at Florida International University.
Professor Juan-Navarro holds a Ph.D. and M.Phil. in Spanish and comparative literature from Columbia University. He earned his bachelor's degree in language and literature at the University of Valencia in Spain.
His fields of expertise include Cuban literature and film, contemporary Spanish American fiction, film studies, literary theory, transatlantic studies, anarchism and culture, and comparative literature of the Americas. His research and teaching interests include historical fiction and film, transatlantic studies, Latin American culture, digital humanities, and comparative literature. In the Department of Modern Languages, he has served as graduate director and associate chair, directed numerous dissertations, and served in many other dissertation committees.
His books include Juana of Castile: History and Myth of the Mad Queen (coedited with María A. Gómez and Phyllis Zatlin); Nuevas aproximaciones al cine hispánico: Migraciones temporales, textuales y étnicas en el bicentenario de las independencias iberoamericanas (1810–2010); La ciudad en la literatura y el cine: Aspectos de la representación de la ciudad en la producción literaria y cinematográfica en español; and Memoria histórica, género e interdisciplinariedad: Los estudios culturales hispánicos en el siglo XXI (both coedited with Joan Torres-Pou). Among other leading journals he has published over sixty articles in refereed journals such as Humanities, Hispania, Revista Iberoamericana, Letras peninsulares, Journal of Interdisciplinary Literary Studies, Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea, L'Ordinaire Latino-américain, Hispanic Journal, Hispanófila, Archivos de la Filmoteca, Neohelicon, and Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos. In addition, he has authored three books and nearly thirty book chapters.
Dr. Juan-Navarro serves on the editorial board of six scholarly journals, including Hispanic Journal, Chasqui, and Delaware Review of Latin American Studies, for which he reviews an average of ten articles per year. He has evaluated book manuscripts for university presses (Bucknell, SUNY, Arizona, Palgrave) and grant proposals for organizations and institutions such as the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Gugenheim Foundation, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Swiss National Science Foundation, City University of New York, and the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Dr. Juan-Navarro has received a grant from Florida Digital Humanities Consortium, the Florida International University Foundation Research Award, the Teaching Incentive Program Award, the Matriculation Merit Award, and the Faculty Senate Teaching Award. He has conducted funded research in Havana and Buenos Aires and was selected to the Fulbright Senior Specialist Roster. He was recently elected a member of the Academy of Cuban History in Exile.
Dr. Juan-Navarro is the founding director of the Cuban Diaspora Film Archive, an open-access web portal created to increase understanding of Cuban cinema production beyond the island's borders in 2022.